Yes! it is our favorite assassin now on our robot. assassin creed hd game is playable for my pocket robot smoothly. good graphic nice gameplay eventhought not as same as the pc or console version but still good game, worth to try.
use CF3D and swapper if you use qvga armv6 robot like mine. the game itself a bit laggy at first stage but after that not even single lag experienced.
QVGA robot and HVGA too only 112mb
Open RAR instal apk qvgaor hvga extract assassin creed data and put assassin folder to: SDcard/gameloft/data and replace the previous one.
enjoy, dont kill anyone in real world just let it just in the game
gan, harus root ga?
BalasHapusiya gan soalnya harus pake CF3d sama Swapper biar bisa maen gamenya di galpok
BalasHapusharus make swapper juga gan?
BalasHapusemank cf3d doank ga bisa mainin ni game?
bisa gan cuma biar lebih nendang aja gituh makanya pake swapper..swapper kan cuma buat bantu ram galpok yang kurang mumpuni buat game full hd
Hapusijin sedot dulu ya gan..
BalasHapusbtw, gabung juga ya ke :)
Hapusgabung A>S>A>P
sipp brto thanks..
BalasHapusUPDATE lagi ya bro..
ane tunggu...
siip silahkan sedot..